Diseases of the Eye

Our doctors can treat a variety of eye diseases. If you are having any eye problems, be sure to make an appointment as soon as possible to allow for more effective treatment. 

There are many diseases of the eye. Below you will find information on a few common eye problems. 

Age-Related Macular Degeneration 

Age-Related Macular Degeneration, commonly referred to as AMD, affects the center of the retina call the macula. Typically, these changes are gradual, but in rare cases, it can occur quickly. 


Glaucoma occurs when excess fluid builds up and creates pressure in the eye. This pressure damages the optic nerve, which communicates information from the eyes to the brain. There are a few options for Glaucoma patients, consult your doctor to determine the best option for you. 

Diabetic Eye Disease

This is a term for a large group of eye problems that result from having Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. This includes diabetic retinopathy (pictured below), cataracts, and glaucoma.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

This is an infection/inflammation of the conjunctiva - the thin membrance that protects and covers the surface of the eyeball. Typically, pink eye is caused by bacteria, viruses, allergans, or other irritants (such as dust). Be sure to see your doctor immediately after you being seeing symptoms! This will ensure quick treatment and recovery.

**Please consult with your doctor for complete information regarding your health before making any healthcare decisions.**
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